24February2023 Request for temporary suspension of sanctions against Syria


AOI, CINI, Concord Italy and Focsiv have sent an urgent letter to the President of the European Council, Charles MICHEL, the Members of the European Council, all Members of the European Parliament and the Italian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Antonio Tajani, calling for the temporary suspension of sanctions against Syria.

In the name of the values of promoting peace and solidarity, which are constitutive of the European Union, the organizations specifically request:

  • to temporarily suspend, for serious humanitarian reasons, the sanctions in place against Syria that prevent international relief to communities and people affected by the earthquake;
  • To promote the opening of humanitarian aid corridors;
  • to establish a European Coordination for aid to the Syrian people affected by the earthquake.

“In the face of the suffering caused by the earthquake, we cannot remain inert and passive. We want to continue to believe in and trust the European institutions that represent us.”

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