
Foto Ansa

We need your help. Now

On the night of Friday, September 8th, a magnitude 7 earthquake occurred in Morocco.

The tremors continued in the following hours, and the damage is enormous. There are more than 2,500 confirmed victims. But the numbers and the real impact are still unclear because relief missions are still ongoing and many villages have been isolated since the quake.

According to the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (Ocha) more than 300,000 people in and around Marrakech needs help.

Right from the start ARCS and ARCI have been in contact with Italian and Moroccan people, activists and leaders of our association, and with local partners in Morocco who are mobilized to deal with this new emergency by participating in relief efforts and providing initial assistance.

Voices from the field

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The Organisation Alternatives pour l’Enfance et la Jeunesse (OAPEJ), active in supporting children and youth and their communities of origin, with whom ARCS works in Italy and Morocco on issues of equality, non-discrimination and inclusion, has alerted us to the urgent need for:

  • food kits and drinking water
  • safe shelters
  • psychological support.

OAPEJ and ARCS are part of the International Federation of Settlements and Neighborhood Houses (IFS), an international network that brings together  eleven thousand civil society organizations worldwide, and European Mediterranean Federation of Settlement (EFS), an organization dedicated to the support of Socio-cultural and Neighborhood Centers in the Euro-Mediterranean region.

That is why we started in collaboration with IFS and EFS a specific fundraising campaign that will be used to support the very first emergency and relief actions of OAPEJ and its referral network.

Looking ahead, consistent with the principles of protection of cultural rights promoted by ARCI and ARCS, we are also considering the possibility of supporting interventions that support the recovery of the affected communities’ cultural heritage and social gathering spaces.


Make a donation now to support
the action of associations in Morocco active in the emergency

Carta di credito

Bonifico bancario

Il bonifico bancario va intestato a:
ARCS – ARCI Culture Solidali APS,
Via dei Monti di Pietralata 16, 00157 Roma
Banca popolare etica, Via Parigi 17, – 00185 Roma
C/C n. 15080807
IBAN: IT12S0501803200000015080807

Causale: Emergenza Marocco

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How we use the funds

8%To the structure

92%To projects