Italy – YouthQuake

Youthquake: a quake of energies and skills brought by young European volunteers to counter the destruction caused by the summer 2016 earthquake in the historical towns and villages of central Italy.

Several Sending and Hosting organisations are involved in this Strategic EVS project, lasting 3 years on the whole, with ARCS as Coordinating organisation.

Up to 140 volunteers will come to Italy to help rebuilding the physical places as well as the social fabric and the cultural heritage of the area. 12 Italian volunteers will have instead the chance to widen their perspectives with an experience abroad.

Activities are as varied as the organisations involved, with both long and short term mobilities. Volunteers will work in structures to support the weakest categories (children, elderly, disabled, migrants), they will help re-launch tourism, preserve and restore socialisation centres, protected natural areas and places of historical and cultural relevance.


Would you like to join the Youthquake project as a volunteer?
Follow this few steps and get in touch with us!

1 - Look at the current project openings
a) Are you available in the set dates?
b) Are you interested in the planned activities?
c) Do you think you have the right skills?

2 - Find a Sending Organisation from your country of residence:
a) Check out our partners below
b) If you can’t find an organisation from your country of residence look in the Youth Portal’s database
c) If you still have issues, contact us directly

3 - Get in touch through your Sending Organisation at with
a) The organisation’s PIC number
b) Some information about you and your background
c) A copy of your travel document


Would you like to join the Youthquake project as a Sending Organisation?
We are looking for more partners from Programme Countries!

As a Sending organisation, you would mainly be responsible for

a) Selecting volunteers (together with ARCS and the Hosting)
b) Enrolling the volunteer in the CIGNA insurance for the duration of the mobility
c) Providing the volunteers a pre-departure training and an EVS Info-kit
d) Generally support the volunteers during the mobility
e) Sign the Volunteer Agreement between all parties involved and the Partner Agreement with ARCS

To start our relations:

a) Send an e-mail to with your PIC number and some information or a link to your website
b) We will keep you informed on new flows we are recruiting for (that you can also find on this page)
c) If you agree, once we start cooperating a link to your website will be added to this page in the “Partners” section


Vuoi partecipare al progetto Youthquake come Organizzazione ospitante?

Siamo alla ricerca di altri partner dall’Italia centrale!

Se sei un’organizzazione di Lazio, Umbria, Marche o Abruzzo che opera nelle zone che hanno subito l’impatto del terremoto del 2016, o zone limitrofe, questo progetto è per te.

Le attività predisposte per i volontari, la durata dei flussi, il numero e le qualifiche dei volontari possono variare a seconda delle tue esigenze.

Per saperne di più sul budget disponibile e le reciproche responsabilità contattaci a entrambe queste e-mail: -



1st – 16th July 2018

Sending organization:

Hosting organization:
Comune di Camporotondo di Fiastrone / Gruca (

Volunteers n.
10 (from at least 2 sending organizations/countries)

Activities and preferred competencies:
Activities will be related to post-earthquake reconstruction and valorisation of the territory and public space, such as: cleaning of Municipality’s green areas, pathways restoration, maintenance of Municipality’s sport infrastructures. Mornings will be dedicated to more practical activities, afternoons to rather cultural and recreational activities, such as the launch of a tourist centre and the collaboration with a theatre company.

Volunteers’ profile:
Knowledge of the Italian language will be preferred as well as manual, crafting, technical and environmental skills, experience and interest.

Volunteers will live in Camporotondo di Fiastrone, close to the historical city of Macerata, in the Marche region.

1st July – 31st August 2018

Sending organization:

Hosting organization:
Comune di Fiastra / Gruca (

Volunteers n.

Activities and preferred competencies:
Fiastra lake area’s cleaning and maintenance, organisational support to events in the municipal area, support to the management of the tourist Info point, promotion of the area on social networks. Support to the activities of the Centro Educazione Ambientale Valle del Fiastrone (Parco Nazionale dei Monti Sibillini).

Volunteers’ profile:
Good communicator, language skills – knowledge of Italian is preferred, experience in manual, crafting, technical, environmental activities.

Volunteers will live in Fiastra’s Primary school, furnished with camp beds and cooking facilities.

3rd Septembre 2018 – 31st August 2019

Sending organization:

Hosting organization:
Gruca onlus – Ecomuseo delle Case di Villa Ficana (

Volunteers n.

Activities and preferred competencies:

- Make and translate informational flyers and tourist material on the Ficana Ecomuseo, on the village and building techniques in one’s own language.
- Support the management of a biological vegetable garden inside the urban park of Sasso d'Italia.
- Develop activities in the Officina Artistica (Artistic Workshop) in the Borgo, where volunteers will create crafted and artisanal works useful to the project.
- Maintain green and urban areas in Borgo Ficana.
- Support the staff in organising workshops on traditional building techniques using “terra cruda” and straw and in cultural events organised in the Borgo in order to promote it.
- Organising workshops for children and/or disabled in the Ecomuseo educational space. Make a “Learning Kit” for children and families visits, supported by the tutor.
- Organisation and management of language conversation evenings or afternoons with and for the local population. The activity will be prepared and managed by the volunteers, supported by the tutor.
- Intensive Italian language course (additional to the on-line one)

In the final phase (from the 7thmonth on) volunteers will have the chance to design and develop an activity according to their interest and skills. Having learnt the local language, met many people and acclimatised within the association and the town, volunteers will be free to promote a specific initiative in the Ecomuseo educational space. They will so integrate in the project their ideas, creativity and experience.

Volunteers’ profile:
Team worker, creative, proactive.

Volunteers will live in Foresteria di Villa Ficana (Borgo S. Croce, 65 – Macerata)

paesi d'intervento


Countries of intervention




operatori locali


Local operators

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How we use the funds

8%To the structure

92%To projects