Access to work / Social inclusion

06 March 2023

Neet’s net: networking for inclusive and sustainable economic growth. Decent work, entrepreneurship, skills acquisition and participation of vulnerable girls and boys

The project aims to help ensure lasting, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full employment and decent work for all

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15 March 2022

Start Women Up

The Start Women Up project focuses on strengthening existing small businesses and promoting the creation of women-led start-ups through specialised training, revolving funds and access to micro-credit.

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01 April 2022

Supporting the resilience of Christian Iraqi refugees in Amman through vocational training and apprenticeships

The project aims to foster the promotion of Iraqi Christian minorities in Amman, through opportunities to improve professional skills that can be used in Jordan or elsewhere, and by facilitating access to a source of income.

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01 April 2022

RE-ACT IN – Rethinking Arts for Cohesion, Trust and Inclusion

“RE-ACT IN” has the goal of building and strengthening capacities of local organisations to work with young refugees and vulnerable youth

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chiuso 01 November 2021

DA’AM: Emergency services for women in Jordan

The DA’ AM project focuses on providing support to Syrian refugee and Jordanian women in vulnerable situations as a result of the COVID-19 emergency

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30 November 2022

LOCAL – Work, Employment and Economic Growth: Women and Youth for Local Development

The LOCAL project is aimed at women and young people…

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09 November 2019

Social business innovative development of the agro- industrial value chain in the Thiès Region (SB-AGROIN)

The project aims to increase food security and income of small agricultural producers by developing the agro-industrial supply chain in the Thiès region

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How we use the funds

8%To the structure

92%To projects