Tunisia – Ter-Re: from territories to income, empowerment opportunities for women and young people of Tataouine

Ter-Re: from territories to income, empowerment opportunities
for women and young people of Tataouine


Co-funded by the DGCS-MAECI, Ter-Re was established in continuity with the TITAN project managed by the Alma Mater Foundation, collecting results on the development of local production and enhancement of rural tourism itineraries in the Tataouine area.

The project includes professional trainings and support programs for small local entrepreneurship initiatives with particular attention to rural women and unemployed young people to be included in commercial and ecotourism circuits.

With the aim of promoting the territory, measures to improve the quality and quantity of local production are planned, through the adoption of techniques that can increase soil fertility and counteract the desertification and soil erosion processes.



paesi d'intervento


Countries of intervention




operatori locali


Local operators

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How we use the funds

8%To the structure

92%To projects